

A mosaic, by definition, is a piece of art produced by arranged together small colored pieces of stone, glass or tile to create something beautiful which is reflective of our campus community. The Mosaic, a diversity and inclusion resource guide, is a living document that will provide Jacksonville resources from cultural grocery stores to places of worship. If there is a place or organization that you’d like to see included, please contact the Student Inclusion Center.

Access Mosaic

LGBT & Ally Roommate Matching

We have established a matching process to accommodate students who wish to be matched with a roommate who is LGBTQA — either they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning, or they are an ally. You can put in a request to participate in roommate matching by completing the request form through Residential Life.

LGBT & Ally Roommate Matching

Gender Inclusive & Accessible Restrooms

The Student Inclusion Center, along with other campus partners, are in the process of locating all Gender Inclusive and ADA Accessible restrooms on campus. Our goal is to create a map where students, faculty and staff can easily locate these spaces. The information will be updated periodically as the project continues.

Gender Inclusive

  • Swisher Science Building
  • Terry Concert Hall
  • D.B. Milne Field (designated family)
  • Davis Student Commons, 3rd Floor
  • River House
  • Kinne Center near Snickers Lounge
  • Merritt Penticoff, 2nd Floor

ADA Accessible

All buildings should have ADA accessible bathrooms in them except Sam Marks Chapel and Swisher Library.

Interfaith Calendar

The Interfaith Calendar includes the primary sacred times for world religions. There are also definitions of terms used on the calendar.

Go to the Interfaith Calendar

Personal Pronouns

Have you seen or heard someone use personal pronouns and want to know what it means and why it matters? Visit to learn more about the use of pronouns.

Learn more about personal pronouns

Reflection Rooms

The Reflection Rooms are meant to serve and support all students and the holistic wellness of the university community. This space allows individuals of all religious faiths and non-religious beliefs to experience a place for peace, prayer, meditation and/or reflection throughout the day. The space is intended for individual use and not for any organized group activities or meetings.

The hours are Monday through Sunday from 8 AM to 8 PM and is located in the Sam Marks Chapel. If you have any concerns regarding the use of this space, please contact Jamie Burket, Assistant Dean of Students at

Reflection Rooms Guidelines